Wednesday, March 1, 2017

#WriteAStoryChallenge - March Day 1!

Unfortunately, I fell off the horse in February. I started a new job and kind of fell out of writing as a whole, including the Write a Story Challenge. I was pretty excited about that one - maybe I'll have to go back and do those prompts again anyway?

But despite all that, I want to try to get back into this fun challenge in March. Starting with these words:

As per usual, I have no idea where this is going. I'm sure it'll be great! Haha

What are your goals this month? Anything good? Let me know down below.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

#WriteAStoryChallenge - February Day 1!

It occurred to me that all my post titles would be nearly impossible to keep track of if I didn't put the month!! That's handled now, though. Here's my bit for the day!

Obviously, I've decided to start another story, and this time with a new character. I suppose it would be best if I could find a reference image for my dear Daniel, but we'll see. Perhaps, perhaps not.
Here's this month's blog post on April's site!

I've updated my Word Count page - I finished writing my short story for January, and I'll do some editing on it before I call it done. I'm excited to create a portfolio of characters that I can pull into novels or stories as I continue writing these challenges. 
I'm trying to use Instagram as a platform now, to write out my story and all of that. I think it'll look much better this way. Not sure if I'll keep using the InstaQuotes app (I don't really intend to pay for it, and if I make them on my computer I can make them look similar at the least), but it'll do for today!
Let me know what you think about the images! What do you use when you want to put words on your Instagram?

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

#WriteAStoryChallenge - Day 31!

I can't believe it's the end already! Here's my final sentences, be as they may:

Wow. It's been a whole month since I started writing this story. I've been itching to fill it out and edit it, and now I can! It doesn't have a good conclusion yet - I lost track of the days and was totally unprepared for the final day! I'm not sure whether I'll write again next month, or take a month off to edit this one. I loved writing it, and I suppose it doesn't take very long to write something up each day. 
Perhaps I'll try the February challenge! I like the challenge of fitting in the words in creative ways, though sometimes they didn't quite seem to fit.
Until tomorrow, and next month, dear readers!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

#WriteAStoryChallenge - Day 25!

On the Bright side, I've stayed pretty consistent with the writing on this one. It's becoming more interesting by the day. Here's today's sentences:

I get the feeling that I'll have some editing to do on this one when the month is up, but I'm excited about the work that I've been doing on it. Each day is a new adventure, and I'm learning lots of new words. It's really exciting for me to do this, and I plan to keep up with it - so long as April keeps posting the monthly prompts. And even if she doesn't, I could use previous years, since I haven't done them before. 
How do you feel about challenges like this? Are they worth it? Do they accomplish their goal - to keep us writing effectively?

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

#WriteAStoryChallenge - Day 17!

Here's today's little bit of writing!!

This one was kind of tough. The word was "X-Ray", and honestly I had no idea how it was going to fit in. So I just let it happen. The toughest part was getting it in 3 sentences.

Once this is written, I'll be excited to go back through and kind of fluff up passages like this. I wanted it to be a few sentences, but I could only have three. Then again, I've always been a fan of using run-on sentences with little to no punctuation to indicate frantic speaking without having to say "he was frantic" or the like.

Let me know what you think in the comments below!

I created a page for word counts. I'm going to get graphics for the progress/stage bars instead of words. I might regret saying that later, but I am going to try!

Monday, January 16, 2017

#WriteAStoryChallenge - Day 16!

This was the only way I could think of to include the word!

I've been keeping up with the challenge pretty well. What I haven't been keeping up with is the blog posts about it. Instead of posting a few every day to catch up, I decided to leave you with a piece of the story missing and continue from today.

As of now, Word Count Wednesday probably isn't going to happen. I may post periodic updates, but I'm not sure they'll be their own blog post. Perhaps I'll leave it on a separate page. We'll see.

I've felt off lately, but writing is keeping me sane. So I'll do it until I can't do it anymore.

Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

#WriteAStoryChallenge - Day 10!

Good evening, everyone! It feels good to be keeping to the routine of things.

I only wrote two sentences today, but it felt like the right place to stop. I haven't really been looking ahead at the prompts, so I can't be sure adding that one more sentence wouldn't ruin everything.

Of course, the true mark of a writer on the fly is being able to run with sentences that seem to "ruin everything" and turn it around into something perfect.

I'm working on the editing stage of The Ringmaster's Dilemma. I have a lot - and I do mean A LOT - of work to do. I started a spelling & grammar check in Word last night, and didn't even finish it. But I guess that's pretty normal when you have over 80,000 words and you wrote them all off the cuff.

Do you have any editing tips? Let me know below.